Da’wah for environmental stewardship.

We encourage personal lifestyle changes with the six R’s:


Respect all creation.

He has created man: He has taught him speech and Intelligence. The sun and moon follow courses (exactly) computed. And the herbs and the trees - both (alike) bow in adoration. And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance of (Justice). In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance. It is He who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures. - Quran (55:3-10)

Will Allah’s creation testify FOR or AGAINST you on the Day of Judgement?

Reduce Consumption.

But waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters. - Quran (7:31)

“We make our environment more volatile by our wastefulness. “ - Sh Omar Suleman

Refuse plastics.

Corruption has appeared on the land and in the sea because of what the hands of humans have wrought. This is in order that we give them a taste of the consequences of their misdeed that perhaps they will turn to the path of right guidance. - Quran (30:41)


Reuse products.

When asked about what the Prophet (pbuh) used to do in his house, the Prophet’s wife, A’ishah (r), said that he used to repair his shoes, mend his clothes and all household tasks that the average person did.

Replenish the earth.

Six principles of a Green Deen:

  • Tawhid - understanding the Oneness of God

  • Ayat - seeing signs of God everywhere

  • Khalifah - being a steward of the Earth

  • Amanah - honouring the trust we have with God to be protectors of the planet

  • Adl - moving toward justice

  • Mizan - living in balance with nature

Reboot your body with a mostly plant based diet.

In a hadith related by Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawud, the beloved Prophet (pbuh) was reports to be consoling a camel that started to shed tears when it saw him. When the camel stopped crying the Beloved (pbuh) asked who was its owner. A young man came forward to claim it and the Beloved (pbuh) said to him, “Do you not fear God over this animal that He entrusted you with? It complained to me that you starve it and overbear it with tasks.”


Faith and stewardship are intertwined.